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Writer's pictureRobin WillowMoon

Till Death I do Part

How many weddings have we been to - including your own - where vows were taken "Till Death Do You Part?" Pretty much every wedding I have attended plus the three where I was playing the part of "Bride." My first marriage lasted till "Cheating" did we part - seems he wanted more than one woman at a time. The second one lasted till "Excessive Drinking" did we part, and the third one, well you know, lasted until the narcissist left skid marks as we achieved till "I'm Bored and it's Time to Discard You" we do part.

This journey to heal my broken parts and fall and love with myself has not been easy, but it has been so worth it. I saw a Face Book meme a while back that said "I've been single for awhile, and it's working out. I think I am the one!" Well I am here to tell you I am THE ONE! If I want someone to love me till death we do part, - then guess what? I already have that. I love me till death do I part. There will be no bailing out when things get tough, or if I get bored, or want a change. I can simple shake up my own world and have some fun.

Since I have never been one to do things in a small way, I have decided to have a wedding to celebrate finding the love of my life - the wedding I always wanted. I am happy to say that as of February 27th, 2021 I am officially engaged to myself, and will be hosting my wedding in the Spring. I have purchased a lovely ring, a pretty dress, have lined up a friend to make my bouquet, another who will "officiate" the ceremony, and lot's of other friends who will help out with hair/photo's/decorations/food, etc.

I have to say, I have never been happier in a relationship, and know this one has the staying power I have always looked for. My own soul will never abandon me and will not judge me. It will stand strong and give me unconditional love. That love we all deserve, but seems it's so hard to find outside of ourselves.

So happy engagement to me. I am so looking forward to spending forever loving myself the way I loved my ex-husbands. And this time it will truly be till death we do part. Can I get an AMEN!

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1 comentariu

21 mar. 2021

A very creative concept! And who doesn't love a good wedding? You are so worthy of love, of yourself and from the people that count. (And God loves you too!)

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